Birthday Buddies A podcast for birthday buddies by birthday buddies. Come join the party! Podcast Generator 2.6 - Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:57:57 -0800 en Your copyright notice Birthday Buddies A podcast for birthday buddies by birthday buddies. Come join the party! The Number 1 Birthday Party on the Internet! Birthday Buddies Birthday Buddies yes July 26: Happy Birthday, Brexiters Happy Birthday to a lot of British People, Places, and Things Happy Birthday to some, but not all, of this stuff:

Quidditch, New York, Carl Jung (Nazi Sympathizing Dreamer), Aldous Huxley, Helen Mirren of "Hotel for Old People”, Mick Jagger, Alice in Wonderland (the Disney movie), Kevin Spacey, Sock Heaven, Kate Beckinsale, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, George Grosz.

Also, Jeff Simpson reads a thing.

Happy Birthday to a lot of British People, Places, and Things 25:04 (Birthday Buddies) Birthday Buddies Quidditch, New York, Carl Jung, Aldous Huxley, Helen Mirren, Mick Jagger, Alice in Wonderland, Kevin Spacey, Kate Beckinsale, Americans with Disabilities Act yes Tue, 26 Jul 2016 00:01:00 -0700
Bob Dylan's 75 Birthday Figbar and Jon celebrate 75 years of Bob Dylan in the inaugural Birthday Buddies episode. Welcome, Birthday Buddies, to the first episode of Birthday Buddies! When you listen to this, Birthday Buddies, it's always Bob Dylan's 75th birthday. Come celebrate. Forever!

Figbar and Jon celebrate 75 years of Bob Dylan in the inaugural Birthday Buddies episode. 58:09 (Birthday Buddies) Birthday Buddies Dylan, birthday, party, music, celebrity yes Sun, 22 May 2016 04:20:00 -0700